Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Deeds goes on no matter what.

People said that there will always be obstacles when 1 intend to do a good deed. Simply because the 'devil' doesn't want us to do good things.

Maybe its true but with great intention comes great challenges. I have been trying not to elaborate too much on what is happening but come a time I think others might have figured it out or might even have predicted it way before I took any action. It no longer about whether I should or should not but its more to I have to. I have to do something to at least protect those people who are sincere enough to lend a helping hand, people who do not know who I am trying to help (and never mind who) for as long as it is Liza Masrina Ibrahim's project and that basically is a TRUST,  I want to keep and I am accountable for.

I have done my level best to be transparent and I have done my best to ensure other people be as transparent as I want them to be but I must admit that whilst I have every intention to help a helpless 'life' I forgot to set a limit and proper guidelines before we even begin.

I will not know she needs help unless she make it clear to me or to my friends that she is in need of money.So, I hope the word 'I never ask for help' doesn't come out from her mouth by now. I can understand a mother's dilemma when handling a sick child what more with critical ilness. I can tolerate the ups and downs of her emotion and the stress she is facing but just because I am understanding enough doesn't mean that she can walk all over me.

I never ask for any recognition, I never ask for any word of thanks. What I ask for is just to be honest, transparent, accountable to the people who doesn't even know you @ first place but is willing to help you go through tough times. Just behave and be a real mother at least one who doesn't leave a critical child in care of other people while you go on a hideout @ a place even I as a good steady income person won't go for a holiday. Spend on luxurious unnecessary items after you portray yourself as being financially unstable for having to support a critically ill child.

I do not accept excuses as being bogged down with other personal problems and stress as being the reason for acting the way a mother or even a right thinking adult should NOT act or do. At least being the least thankful and grateful to others, acknowledging their good advice (though you might not be able to do what they suggested) is something any 'polite' person would do.

I have had enough of this and I think it has gone too far in preserving what is suppose to be preserved - "Positive Thoughts" for all of the commotion and all of the unnecessary remarks plus the reluctant to reveal what I was hoping to be transparent and truthful resulting in me revealing my part of the story so as to ensure that I have done my part in protecting the interest of people who came in for the sake of 'good deeds'. I do not want to be responsible if the person we have helped decided to make a wrong turn when the funds is no longer in my control.

This to me is just another hiccups along 'the road leading to the end' of everybody's life. When we do something it is only while realizing the mistakes that we learn to improve.

Just like any other things in life, every single things that has a beginning whether its bad or good must have an end. This is indeed the END of a Chapter... We shall open a new Chapter of 'Good deeds goes on no matter what' and hope it will have a loooooonnnggg good story to share before it finally comes to the end.

I believe, while you want people to sympathise, you must always remember that god's sympathy is greater than human. If you have hundreds even millions of test lying along your way, others have TOO. Its just that they don't tell that to the whole world and they at least would not say "WHY ME?".

Before I pen off, know that I do not have any intention to tarnish anybody's reputation as it might have been done by the person herself.

I have every reason to start (what I think is) something I should do for a good cause and I have every GOOD and VALID reason to disclose what I think is not right.

I do not wish to count what I have done, my contributions are nothing.. as I cannot do all this alone.. This particular person owes me NOTHING but she owes the people who have gone an extra mile, people who in need of help themselves but brush it aside to help her BIG TIME! And I wish to thank everyone who has spread the words, chip in big or small and most importantly people who have spare their time and contributed their effort in helping a helpless kid.

I shall pray that one day this person would realize what is the true meaning of motherhood and all the pain, struggle and challenges that this tiny little kid have gone through will not be in vain. I hope she will be loved and whatever that we have intended for her is being carried out properly.

Liza Masrina Ibrahim


Nomaliza Azman said...

Pendapat Liza, kita kena specific betul-betul apa yang kita nak bantu. Example, our goal is to collect money utk one person to go for operation fee, then kita collect to certain amount and hand it over to that person and done. Then we move on to next person in need. This way kita tak terikat dengan masalah dan emosi dia yang akhirnya buat kita rasa meluat dan mula mengata.

If kita nak ikut perkembangan yg hanya bertumpu pada seorang individu, Liza rasa, sampai bila pun tak habis!

Kak Liza fokuskan apa yg perlu immediate attention aje, macam immediate operations or medications. Or you can collect the fund continuosly dan bila sampai time ada org yg memerlukan, Kak guna duit tu untuk tolong orang. Macam foundationlah gitu :)

Liza Masrina Ibrahim said...

1st of all, everything was very sudden and we did not actually sit down to plan what we wanted to do. All of us were too worried abt the child that we only focus on what we can do to collect funds.

The group was created also sudden move to gather people and to create awareness abt this child's need and illness. Group ni seperti juga group yg lain2, tak dapat kita nak elak orang nak letak apa, nak curahkan perasaan ke, nak beremosi ke. Waktu itu semua orang berasa simpati n empati dgn keadaan anak tu. On how much people want to be emotional we cannot do much, sadly, she chooses to say whatever she wanted to say and with that we also could not control how others would respond. I think u sendiri pun tahu n melalui perkara sama ref the those comments and status dia di group.

Why do we limit the group to just updating the current status of the child n not close it entirely? I think i have made it clear when I announce GOL. is because FB doesn;t have a function to CLOSE a group unless member=0. I bole je remove semua members n let FB auto close the group tapi cuba u fikir apa orang lain/member akan fikir? mau tak mau orang ingat moderators ni lepas collect2 duit tup2 tutup group? tipu duit orang ke apa? I want to be able to jaga the trust and 'limiting the old group to updating current situation'hanyalah alasan. Mungkin lepas ni saya akan remove semua members n close the group.. after I have publish this. I think I dah jawab soalan semua orang la

Believe it or not, ramai yang inbox to ask what happen? kenapa tiba2 tutup. Sebab tu I decide to write this. Stupid enough for some people to not to realize yang members of the group pun ada dlm her friend list and is watching what she says and do. so Questions after questions. Jadi bukan sapa2 yang meluat lantas mengata tapi dia yang membuka peluang untuk orang beranggapan itu dan ini.

Fitnah itu memang akan ada.. jadi Kita dianjurkan supaya MENGELAKKAN DIRI dari difitnah. sama jugaklah dengan prasangka.. jgn salahkan orang berperasangka bila kita sebenarnya yang mendjadikan punca orang berperasangka.

FYI,GOL memang dah ada guidelines and hopefully, insya-allah that will help us be more carefull and cleaner cut.

on your last not, saya tak mahu GOL collect apa2 fund kecuali kita dah identify orangnya and there will be no monies kept by GOL in trust. Kalau ada pun account is only for purpose of transferring fund for each campaign period for a certain person,after each campaign, account will b 0 again.

Hope this is clearer to you as well as others :)

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

I've gone through whatsoever test and trial 2 years ago and Alhamdulillah i managed to go through it. No helps, no fund from outsiders. It is just my husband and me.
Without second thought i decided to take 6 months UNPAID leave to take care of my baby. We SURVIVED with single income yet many expenses to consider and yet no single cents deducted from the allocation to my parents in law.
All words of wisdom, all encouragement i gave was all from my heart as i had gone through the same thing.
Yes we had arguments, tense, stress, anything that you call it. But after all we surrender to Allah.He knows best. I didn't get carried away with all those things.
I did my own reading, i do research on my own as doctors info aren't enough for me.
Pity the little girl having a mother like that. I pity her as my daughter was so lucky to have me every second of her life taking care of her.
Without second thought I lend my 2 bare hands to help just because i know how hard it was having sick daughter. I don't expect recognition. I just want the mother to concentrate on her daughter. I don't expect all lavish-useless-things to be spent on. I just hope the mother managed the money well so that she can take leave to take care of her daughter. I expect that the mother could have working from home as i was working on something to help her getting the job. But when she became inconsiderate and 'insane' i think i'd better stop. She knows herself well compared to us. Hiding-and-run-away-unprepared-to-meet the little HURTS me a lot and it hurts the girl more. She has feelings too.
Being a TRUSTEE i am fully responsible towards what-so-ever expenses being made.Feel guilty towards the generous people out there.
I rest the case but i am reading from afar any news,any words that the mother wrote. I know everything.
I hope i can still lend my hands towards needy mothers and me being one of the trustee again will continue to help no matter what.
We just seek a consideration from the mother to take a good care of her sick daughter. I don't want her to regret for leaving her daughter unattended without her touch. I couldn't do that to my little girl. She is PRICELESS to me.

Liza Masrina Ibrahim said...

I take it as different people have different priorities in life.. I can never say she doesn't love her child but she loves and show in a very different way and of course different than even you and I would show to our kids.

Dengan kepentingan yang berbeza ini jugalah kita akan mengambil tindakan yang berbeza. We might confidently say that if this happen to us we will just leave everything behind and concentrate 100% on the sick child because our priorities is set to be as such. Maybe dia punya priority tu ada 'pembolehubah' so, she act and do things according to her changing priorities.

You are among those people I know would give up anything for the sake of 'love' to your own flesh n blood, usaha n sebelebihnya serah pada allah.. and being u n me, kita takkan tergamak buat apa yang kita nampak dia dah buat.. insaya-allah.. mudah2an Allah peliharalah kita dari sikap2 yang negatif.. semoga allah kuatkan semangat dan tetapkan pendirian kita. Amin.